Sunday, September 6, 2009

Charity !!!

Everyone is born with a heart of kindness, loving, sharing and being....a nice person, at last !

Growing up... we keep some qualities, we lose some qualities due to an impact from our living environment. People say that when you grow in a hardship time, your heart will be richer and easier to be sympathetic..... I trust !
Helping people, esp. children becomes part of many of us in life. Looking at these poor kids, some have seen our childhood returning...., full of reflection and mixture of feelings.
We have read uncountable stories about poor kids who need help to survive, to go to school, to realize their lifetime dream.... and we have uncountable times to let it go with a good wish in mind that we WILL contact and help them . But then life swept our goodwill away, we are too many priorities in life, so many duties in life, and we trust that somebody will take care of them .... until one day, when we suddenly remember that innocent eyes from a bone cancer girl - she has left this miserable planet to come back to a land of peace, of loving and sharing....We feel sorry and we promise we WILL.....
I will visit
I will give this gift
I will help them......
I am not rich now, I will do when I have money
WHEN ??????
Charity, from many recent years, seemingly become the "fashion" of a certain group.
Easily to see that from a lot of PR's celebrities, many newly rich social class....
Charity is a luxurious term for many high income class too..... "Oh, my gosh, I am very sorry to hear that - Oh, poor little girl - that boy is so sorry....." like a comment from a movie that they have just watched .......and helping these so called "underpriviledge" is so luxurious :)
Charity - let's do it with our heart and let it make our soul richer and I belive one thing , our legacy defines our real values and says that we have lived a meaningful life. .... will we bring money with us when leaving our body, will we bring our beautiful wife or handsome husband; or our royal accommodation with us, will we bring our top position and our servants with us ...... ? If not, we are free to have our choice - to make us a difference....